Article 1 General
These delivery terms and conditions apply to all offers made by Stichting Amethist (hereinafter referred to as: Amethist Pers ) and to all agreements concluded between Amethist Pers and the Customer via its internet site for the delivery of books and other articles (hereinafter referred to as: the agreement).
Article 2 Definitions
In these terms and conditions of delivery, the following is understood to mean the following:
Amethist Pers: Publishing House, Snelliuspad 23 in Amersfoort, registered in the Commercial Register, number 34149661, VAT number. 8095.62.492.B.01
Internet site: the place on the internet where Amethist Pers offers the possibility of placing an order by means of electronic communication.
Buyer: the natural or legal person who has made an agreement with Amethist Pers via its internet site, in order to buy one or more products.
Article 3 Prices
3.1. Delivery of products takes place at the prices and rates mentioned on the internet site at the moment of the conclusion of the agreement. Prices agreed upon or made known by Amethist Pers or its suppliers in other ways than on the internet site, do not bind Amethist Pers for products ordered through the internet site, unless explicitly agreed upon otherwise in writing between Amethist Pers and the Customer.
3.2. All prices and rates used by Amethist Pers include VAT, unless explicitly stated otherwise. The prices mentioned are exclusive of shipping costs.
3.3. Amethist Pers reserves the right to change the prices for any reason whatsoever. Modified prices and rates apply from the moment they are mentioned on the internet site. Errors in the price announcements are reserved.
Article 4 Offer, order and conclusion of agreement
4.1. The agreement is realised by an order from the Customer through its internet site and the acceptance of this order by Amethist Pers.
4.2 The purchaser can make use of her right of withdrawal within 14 working days after delivery of the product. The full amount including shipping costs will be reimbursed by Amethist Pers after receiving the product back.
4.3 Amethist Pers will refund the full amount to the Customer within 30 days, as soon as the article has been returned. This rule does not apply to very specific goods ordered by Customer, or if a different delivery period has been agreed.
4.4 In case the order of the Customer for the goods to be delivered by Amethist Pers cannot be delivered within 30 days, the Customer is entitled to cancel it without any conditions.
Article 5 Delivery
5.1. Products ordered shall be delivered to the Customer by delivery, in this case: delivery of the goods to the address provided by the Customer or, if the goods cannot be received there or left in a post box, leaving a written notice at that address stating how the addressee can come into possession of the goods. The goods are at the Customer's risk from the moment of delivery.
5.2 Amethist Pers is not liable for lost orders or delays that occur during shipment.
5.3. Amethist Pers is entitled to suspend the fulfilment of any obligations towards the Customer as long as the Customer has not fulfilled all his (payment) obligations towards Amethist Pers, for whatever reason.
Article 6 Payment
6.1. Invoicing takes place by Amethist Pers in principle or simultaneously with the delivery of the ordered goods.
6.2. Payment by the Customer should take place directly via the web shop. For bulk orders, payment should be made within 14 days after delivery to a bank and/or giro account designated by Amethist Pers, unless (advance) payment has been made otherwise.
6.3. Without explicit written permission from Amethist Pers, the Customer is not allowed to set off any payment obligation towards Amethist Pers against a claim of the Customer on Amethist Pers, for whatever reason.
6.4. Amethist Pers has the right at any time to demand full or partial prepayment, cash payment, or security for payment from the Customer.
6.5. If the payment term is exceeded, the Customer is in default without any notice of default being required and Amethist Pers is entitled to charge the legal interest rate to the Customer from the due date of the invoice. In that case, Amethist Pers is also entitled to claim compensation from the Customer for all actual judicial (including lawyer's fees) and extrajudicial collection costs, which will be calculated according to the collection rate of the Netherlands Bar Association.
Article 7 Complaints and complaints; right of withdrawal
7.1. You have the right to cancel your order up to 14 days after receipt without giving any reason. After cancellation you have another 14 days to return your product. You will then be credited with the full order amount including shipping costs. Only the costs for the return from your home to the shop are for your own account. These costs are approximately 6.95 per package. Consult the website of your carrier for the exact rates.
If you make use of your right of withdrawal, the product will be returned to the entrepreneur with all delivered accessories and - if reasonably possible - in the original state and packaging. To make use of this right, please contact us via We will then refund the order amount due within 14 days of notification of your return, provided that the product has already been received in good order.
7.2 Uitsluiting van het herroepingsrecht is mogelijk voor producten:
- of which the seal has been broken. These products are not returnable.
- whose opinion on form and content is clearly of a personal nature
- whose price is subject to fluctuations in the market over which Amethist Pers has no influence;
- for audio and video recordings of which the consumer has broken the seal.
Article 8 Liability and indemnification
8.1. The presence of a defect shall never entitle the Customer to suspend or set off his payment obligations with regard to the product.
8.2. The total liability of Amethist Pers due to attributable failure in the obligation to deliver any performance is limited to compensation of direct damages up to a maximum amount equal to the price stipulated for that performance (excluding VAT).
8.3. Liability of Amethist Pers for indirect damages, including consequential damages, lost profits, lost savings, damage due to business stagnation and any other damage than those referred to in article 8.2. is excluded.
Article 9 Retention of title
9.1. Amethist Pers retains the ownership of all (movable) goods it has delivered to the Customer until the Customer has completely fulfilled all his obligations towards Amethist Pers under any agreement for the delivery of books or other products, including obligations in respect of failure to fulfil such agreements.
Article 10 Intellectual and industrial property rights
The Customer is not allowed (and this applies, if necessary, in addition to copyright or neighbouring rights of Amethist Pers ) to reproduce or make public (reproductions of) any book or electronic product, or any other article offered on its Internetsite, delivered and/or made available by Amethist Pers to the Customer, without prior written permission from Amethist Pers, in whole or in part, or to make public (reproductions thereof), if this occurs (I) for the benefit of a company, organisation or institution (II) for personal practice, study or use which is not strictly private in nature or (III) for inclusion in a daily, news or weekly newspaper or magazine (whether or not in digital form) or in a radio or television broadcast, unless explicitly stipulated otherwise.
Article 11 Force majeure
By force majeure for Amethist Pers is meant every failure in the execution of the agreement which cannot be blamed on Amethist Pers nor can it be blamed on Amethist Pers by virtue of the law, legal act or generally accepted standards or which is the result of the fact that a product ordered by the Customer is temporarily out of stock at Amethist Pers or its supplier.
Article 12 Applicable law and disputes
12.1 Dissatisfied customers can go to the Online Dispute Resolution (ODR). Here, they can lodge their complaints about online purchases. The ODR then submits the complaint to an independent dispute committee that handles the case. This dispute committee is given ninety days to look into the case. If no solution can be found, the consumer can still choose to take the legal route.