The Lost Teachings of Jesus 1 : Missing Texts: Karma and Reincarnation

Lost Teaching Jesus: Missing Texts-Karma Reincarnation 1 Trade Book

The authors demonstrate that much of Jesus’ teaching has been lost — either removed from the Gospels, suppressed, kept secret for those being initiated into the deeper mysteries, or never written down at all. Then, in modern vernacular, they present a bold reconstruction of the essence of Jesus’ message — the lost teachings Jesus gave his disciples 2000 years ago on karma, reincarnation, good and evil, and how to reunite with the Higher Self. Includes 32 Roerich art reproductions and illustrations of the chakras in the body of man.

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Mary Magdalene and the Divine Feminine: Jesus' Lost Teachings on Women

Mary Magdalene and the Devine-Feminine

Dit boek wijdt uit over de archetypische rol van het Goddelijke Vrouwelijke in de Oosterse en Westerse spiritualiteit en helpt de positie van Maria Magdalena te verduidelijken. Dit boek bevat ook 55 zwart/wit illustraties, 2 mappen met 12 discussievragen.

Explores the archetypal role of the Divine Feminine in Eastern and Western spirituality and helps to clarify the position of Mary Magdalene. This book includes 55 black and white illustrations, 2 maps and 12 questions for discussion.

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A Dweller on Two Planets

A Dweller on Two Planets

SPENSER OLIVER (1866-1899) at his Northern California home near Mount Shasta over a period of three years, beginning when he was seventeen. The true author, according to Oliver, was Phylos the Thibetan, a spirit and one-time inhabitant of the lost continent of Atlantis. Oliver claimed not to have written any of the text, asserting here that he was merely transmitting that which Phylos revealed to him. In fact, professed Oliver, the manuscript was dictated to him out of sequence (much of it backward) so that he could not interfere with the outcome. In this classic of new age and spiritual literature, Phylos describes in rich detail the culture, politics, architecture, and science of Atlantis, as well as its demise. He addresses karma and reincarnation, and predicts technological innovations in the 20th century that match and even exceed those of Atlantis. Supporters maintain that many of those predictions came true. Read for yourself and decide.

The Children of Mu

Children of Mu

The Children of MU, According to Churchward, the lost Pacific continent of Mu “extended from somewhere north of Hawaii to the south as far as the Fijis and Easter Island.”

Discourses on Cosmic Law #2

15 lectures by Mark L. Prophet. MP3 format

Mark reveals that each of us has a spiritual, divine spark from God in our hearts - a threefold flame. He describes the colors and attributes of the threefold flame and says that within that flame lies the potential for each of us to become a Christ. He also explains that the goal of life for each of us is to "ascend" back to God as Jesus did.

Mark illustrates, with fascinating stories from his life, how karma influences health. Looking beyond the physical body for the causes of disease, he shows how wrong thoughts and feelings can be the biggest hindrance to wholeness. The secret to healing, he says, is becoming integrated with your God Self.

Mark teaches how we can use the "resurrection flame" - the regenerative energy of God - to transform our lives. He shows us how to renew ourselves and how we can have our own personal resurrection. Mark also presents a new way of looking at the cross, not as a symbol of sorrow but as a symbol of freedom and opportunity.

What's really the best antidepressant? The answer, Mark says, is joy - "the motor of life." In "The Miracle of Joy" he shows us how to extract joy from the beautiful things in life and amplify our joyous thoughts. He explains why the "violet flame" is one of God's greatest gifts to us and how we can use visualizations and mantras to the violet flame to transmute our karma. He also describes the "tube of light" and, with amazing stories, shows what it can do for us.

In the Americana portion, Mark reminds us of America's spiritual heritage, the real meaning of the American dream and what it will take to make it a reality.

Also in Album 2:

"The Violet Flame for the Achievement of God Realization
"The Meaning of Freedom
"Explanation of the Chart of the I AM Presence
"The Gift of the Freedom of God-Expression
"The Destiny of America
"America, Christ Loves You! World, Christ Loves You!"
"The American Dream
"Educating Your Vision
"How to Find Total Healing
"Understanding Karma
"Secrets of Prosperity
"Meditation on Christ Wholeness
"Finding Freedom through the Cross
"The Flame of the Resurrection
"Nothing Can Be Lost but Opportunity: How Long, O Lord?
1 MP3 Audio CD. 11 hours 46 minutes.

Violet Flame: Alchemy for Personal Change

Violet Flame Alchemy for Personal Change

For thousands of years, the violet flame was a secret experienced by the mystics and known by spiritual teachers from the East and West who taught it only to their most beloved disciples. Now the violet flame is available to all!

The violet flame is a high frequency light that you can use to change your life. It dissolves negative energy and restores it to positive energy. This flame can transform and enrich your relationships. It can liberate the unlimited power that exists within your being.

Well-known author Elizabeth Clare Prophet opens up the mysteries of the violet flame. With penetrating insight and compassion, she explores how the flame works and gives practical techniques for using the flame to help solve your everyday problems. You can easily integrate the violet flame into whatever path you are on, or simply try it for yourself first. The benefits and joy of the violet flame can change your life forever!

For thousands of years the violet flame was a secret, experienced by mystics and known to spiritual teachers East and West who taught it only to their closest disciples. Now the violet flame is available to all!

The violet flame is a high-frequency light that you can use to change your life. It dissolves negative energy and restores it to positive energy. It is a missing key to vitality, health, and inner wholeness. This flame can transform and enrich your relationships. It can free the unlimited power that exists right within you.

World-renowned author Elizabeth Clare Prophet unlocks the mysteries of the violet flame. With penetrating insight and compassion, she explores how this flame works and gives practical techniques for using it to help resolve everyday problems. You can easily integrate the violet flame into any path you follow or simply try it by itself. The benefits and joy of the violet flame can change your life forever!

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Soul Freedom: The Life of a Spiritual Warrior

The Life of a Spiritual Warrior

Rev. E. Gene Vosseler has been a warrior of the Spirit and a devotee of the Christ and the Buddha for decades. As he has walked this path he has seen his life unfold in three distinct phases. The first was his youth and service as a fourth-generation Lutheran minister. In those thirty-eight years he served as a missionary in British Guiana, raised five children, and built a thriving church in Hawaii. It was a life of outer success. But it did not feed his soul. The second phase was a time of "divine dis¬content." He left the Lutheran church, explored Taoism, became a Unitarian minister for two years, was arrested with Joan Baez in an antiwar protest, studied under a Buddhist master, and built and lost a multimillion dollar corporation-all in a twelve-year search for spiritual truth. The third phase began at the age of fifty, when Gene found the ascended masters and his spiritual teacher, Elizabeth Clare Prophet. He also met his twin flame, Wanda. He says this was when his "real" life began. The mystic in Gene found expression as he travelled all over America and the world with a message of higher consciousness. He became a minister again, taught Buddhism and Taoism at Summit University, took on leadership roles, and went through the inner tests and trials of chelaship and the spiritual path. The warrior in Gene would take on anyone-from Marxist professors to movie stars to the political establishment in Washington-in the defence of the truth as he saw it. In this book Gene candidly reveals his inner walk as the mystic and the warrior became one. It is the story of an ordinary man and his extraordinary life-a spiritual warrior and his personal quest for Soul Freedom. The life lessons he shares can assist each of us in the liberation of our own soul.

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