Fallen Angels and the Origins of Evil

Fallen Angels - Origins of Evil

Did rebel angels take on human bodies to fulfil their lust for the ‘daughters of men’? Did these fallen angels teach men to build weapons of war? That is the thesis of the Book of Enoch, a text cherished by the Essenes, early Jews and Christians but later condemned by both rabbis and Church Fathers.

The book was denounced, banned, cursed and ‘lost’ for over a thousand years — until in 1773, a Scottish explorer discovered three copies in Ethiopia. Elizabeth Clare Prophet examines the controversy surrounding this book and sheds new light on Enoch’s forbidden mysteries. She demonstrates that Jesus and the apostles studied the book and tells why Church Fathers suppressed its teaching that angels could incarnate in human bodies. Contains all the Enoch texts, including the Book of Enoch, and biblical parallels. This book takes you back to the primordial drama of Good and Evil, when the first hint of corruption entered a pristine world — Earth.

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Afra: Brother of Light

Afra - Brother of Light

From a distant past on the continent of Africa (in an ancient golden age, lost to recorded history) to a modern world, where race and creed divide brother from brother – Afra, Brother of Light, has been there. He tells us that a universal brotherhood of man is possible, not as idle dream or utopian future, but in the here and now. He tells us we are brothers because we are all children of the one Mother. Afra would lead us to the source of true brotherhood – if we have the heart to follow.

The Path of the Universal Christ, The (Climb the Highest Mountain Series Book 5)

Path of the Universal Christ, The

The authors recapture the heart of the Master's message - that, like Jesus, you are destined to realise your own inner Divinity. You are destined to become one with your own Higher Self, your 'Christ Self'. Long ago, the Church Fathers suppressed Jesus' original teachings about the Christ within. But today, Mark and Elizabeth Prophet reveal our true inner identity and the true purpose of our life on earth. Rediscover Jesus' lost keys to finding God within and learn how to connect to your inner source and access your unlimited potential.

The authors recapture the heart of the Master's message - that you, like Jesus, are meant to realise your own innate Divinity. You are destined to become one with your own Higher Self, your 'Christ Self'. Long ago, Church Fathers suppressed Jesus' original teaching on the Christ within. But today, Mark and Elizabeth Prophet reveal our true inner identity and the true goal of our life on earth. Rediscover Jesus' lost keys to finding God within and learn how to contact your own inner source and access your unlimited potential.

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Wanting to Live: Overcoming the Seduction of Suicide

Wanting to Live - Overcomming the Seduction of Suicide

In this unique and inspiring book a minister and former medical doctor along with a clinical psychologist part the veil for a startling look beyond the physical world into a realm we don't usually see: malignant spirits coaxing depressed but beautiful people into suicide; a bleak, painful existence in a dark, frightening level of consciousness; and lost souls immediately coming back into a new lifetime to face the same test all over again. Most important, Wanting to Live offers powerful, life-changing partnerships with heavenly rescuers, practical tools and priceless insights for suicidal people and their loved ones to allow light to transform a dark world. Hope in a life of hopelessness - this book will save many lives.

Het Violette Vuur – Genezing voor lichaam, geest en ziel

The Violet Fire

Ontdek het geheim van het Violette Vuur: het geschenk van Saint Germain aan de mensheid in het Aquariustijdperk. Het Violette Vuur schenkt een gevoel van onstuimigheid, levendigheid, frisheid en vitaliteit. Het helpt je meer vergevingsgezind te worden. Hoe komt dit tot stand? Doordat je negatieve karma wordt opgelost. Lees meer over hoe dit universele wondermiddel werkt in dit meeslepende boekje en zet rechtstreeks koers naar de vervulling van je leven.

Wanneer u begint met het geven van violette vuur-decrees die in het boek staan, is het belangrijk om uzelf eerst te beschermen met het Buis van Licht mantra. Gebruik daarna het gebed naar Aartsengel Michael voor extra bescherming. Voor meer informatie kijk op de pagina ” Bescherming” van The Summit Lighthouse Holland

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